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Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach)


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Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring is one of Bach’s more well-known melodies and is an upbeat, classic choice for a traditional wedding.

Jesu Joy is most often used as a processional however if you are having a Christian wedding in a church it can also be suitable to use during Holy Communion if you are including this in your service.

Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring comes in three lengths to suit your ceremony:

  • The shortest version plays for just over a minute and would be lovely for a short moment of reflection or to accompany a very short section of the ceremony where just a few seconds of music is needed.
  • The mid-length version plays for just under two and a half minutes.
  • The longest version plays for three and a half minutes and this is the one you would use for a processional or prelude.

Any of these can be repeated or played after each other for a longer piece of music.

Note: Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring original melody by Johann Sebastian Bach and arranged for harp by Aisling Ennis.


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