For a seamless music experience, it’s very important to plan the details in advance.  You need to think through the Who, What, When and Where

WHO is in charge?

02J59706 Assign someone responsible for running the music. Ideally not someone in the wedding party!  It’s a great way to get relatives and teenagers involved but make sure to pick someone trustworthy.  They will need to be briefed in advance and on the day will be responsible for setting up and double checking the equipment and for pressing start and stop as needed.  It’s also need to come to the rehearsal, if you are having one.

WHAT are you playing?

Get the playlist ready in advance.
If you’re using a CD player, be sure to burn music in the same order as your ceremony.  If you’re using the same song twice, burn it to the CD in both locations.
If you’re using an electronic player such as a phone, mp3 player or connecting straight to a laptop, then create your wedding playlist and again put them in the correct order.  You can rename your songs with the order at the start to make sure that they will stay in the right order.  So put 1 before the first song, 2 before the next song and so on.  Again any song that is being played twice can be copied and given a different number at the start.

WHEN should the music play?

Make sure to give the person in charge a full list of the ceremony order and make it clear that they know when they need to set the music to play.
Don’t forget to think about the end of the songs also!  If you can, set the player so that it doesn’t automatically start playing the next song.  If you’re burning a CD try to ensure there are a few seconds of silence between tracks to give the person in charge time to stop the track.  A grand entrance could be ruined with the next song coming on just as you arrive at the top!
If you can it’s useful to do a full rehearsal and to time the bridal party walking down the aisle to your entrance music.

WHERE is the sound system?
Two great loud speakers

Are you using the sound system in your venue or are you bringing your own?
Ideally you’ll want to do a test run in the venue beforehand and use it to make sure that any connections will work and to test the volume levels needed.  If you’re bringing your own speakers or player then you’ll need to decide where to put them for the best sound.  Also the person in charge of the music needs to be able to see the entrance but more importantly they need a view of what’s happening at the top of the aisle so that they can follow the ceremony and start and stop the music at the right times.

Don’t forget to pack all the extra bits that might or might not be used – i.e. an extension cable or extra batteries if using your own speakers or a connection cable if you’re not.  Make a list in advance!  Make sure your player is charged.  If you’re using the sound system at your venue, make sure in advance that your equipment (CD, music player/phone or laptop) will connect smoothly into it.


The single biggest tip is to do a full trial run before hand!  If this isn’t possible then do a mental trial run with the person in charge of the music

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